Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rites & Rituals of significance in Mauritius

There are many people who use rites and rituals as an escape from further inquiry and practice. Out of ignorance, people stick to the blind performance of rituals without any awareness of the lofty message behind them. To them, let it be clear: “Thou shalt not use the name of thy Lord in vain.” it is indeed sad to see people using rituals as a means to obtain the Divine’s favor, or to prepare in advance a place in the higher spheres or in the next world.

It is strange that people go to temples and churches and perform so many rites in their daily lives, yet they are ignoring the true significance behind these acts. They are so unconscious that they are
no longer sensitive to that which is sacred. The performance of rituals has even become mechanical. In our time, shock therapy should be the prescribed treatment for our unconscious mind.

Till when will religion remain a blind belief and a traditional affair? Can there be worship, prayer, devotion and communion when there is doubt, fear, stress and other such qualities lurking in the mind and in the heart? What is the use of performing rites and rituals if one is not aware
of their esoteric significance?

Rites and rituals are such beautiful and thought-provoking invitations. They are the language of the inner science and therefore, conceal profound occult knowledge. Once this coded language is
understood, the spiritual journey starts. But who wants to undertake the painstaking task of reflection, inquiry, acceptance and practice?