Friday, June 10, 2016

Craziest stories that took place at the wedding altar...

 During the ceremony when the priest started asking the bride "Do you take this man to be your...", she started laughing uncontrollably and couldn't stop. Is was cute for about 10 seconds and then things got real uncomfortable. They lasted a year and change. We all kinda knew the only reason they were getting married was because she got pregnant. 

Dude said the wrong name at the altar.  

 My sister's new husband made out with a bride's maid on the dance floor of the reception. 

 The bride came creeping up to my brother and handed him a note detailing how much she loved him and if he wanted her all he had to do was object when the time came. He handed the note off the the grooms sister and we left before the ceremony began. My Facebook says they did end up getting married, haven't seen them since then though.

They were friends of mine who dated for nearly two years before their wedding. He loved her more than she loved him, obvious to all our friends, and we suspected she begrudgingly said yet to his proposal.

He said his vows first and went on and on about loving her for the rest of his life. During hers, she started with "438 days... that's how long I've loved you." It seemed sweet until she ended her vows with, "And I promise to love you for at least 438 more." Most thought nothing of it and some friends called me a dick for saying it was a subconscious sign she wasn't in it for the long haul.
She left him exactly that amount of days after the wedding with a note that said 'I kept my vow to love you for 438 days more, but I can't for a single day more.'

My cousin (the bride) told us, as she was going from table to table thanking the guests, that she didn't think it would last. We were stunned. They lasted about a year.