Wednesday, June 8, 2016

These wedding confessions are outrageous!

Wedding was in the middle of August in the sweltering heat. In the middle of the woods. Mosquitoes as far as the eye can see. Most people didn't have a place to sit and those that did, had a nice splinter-filled wooden table. Like you'd set up for camping. Their toddler was screaming throughout the entire "ceremony". She (the bride, not the toddler - edited for clarity) was 9 months pregnant, cursing the entire time how hot it was (NO SHIT). She smacked her dad as they walked down the aisle because he stepped on her toe. My brother's job was to walk up two goldfish to put into fish bowls as a "sign of partnership" or whatever the fuck it meant. Except one of the fish were dead. So he dropped in one live fish and one dead fish. Need I say more?

"All the money in the world can't mask an obviously doomed relationship..."

Elaborate outdoor ceremony, they had tents set up and a string quartet playing. Just as the bride and groom reach the altar dark clouds start rolling in with distant booms of thunder. We were in huge tents, about 200 people so we felt safe, then as they were about to take their vows it started hailing golfball sized hail. For the most part they bounced off the tents, but the downpour was so heavy and the winds so strong that you couldn't hear a word they said. The lawn turned into a slippery mud pit, the dance floor was floating away. As they got to the I do part lightning hit nearby and everyone's ears were ringing. Part of the tent collapsed and everyone ran for the main house or their vehicles. They finished up the vows in the main hallway, and the marriage lasted 6 months. I think someone was trying to tell them something and they wouldn't listen. 

Recently attended a wedding this past September. Bride and groom have been together for 11 years, high school sweethearts, could not possibly be more excited to marry each other. Ceremony went great, quick, emotional, everyone cried. They used the same venue for both the ceremony and reception, and the bridal party were taking pictures when my boyfriend (who was in the wedding) asked if I could bring him out a drink. As soon as I got out there all the groomsmen were standing around while the bridesmaids and groom were flocked in a circle around the bride. She was sick to the point where she couldn't stand and had to be helped into the reception. This came out of NOWHERE. So they came in a did their first dance, danced with their parents, served dinner, and made an annoucement that they were going to the hospital. They missed their entire reception. The wedding continued on well into the night (because that's what they wanted) and as we were getting ready to leave we ran into them coming back to the hotel. Turns out it was a kidney stone.

"Brides father dropped dead during the ceremony. That was pretty horrible"

Bride vomited and peed on her wedding dress due to drinking too much, groom threw a glass through a window because he was pissed that other guests were fighting, and an engaged couple broke up with the lady taking her ring off and throwing it at her now ex-fiance. This was all at one wedding. The cops came and shut the whole thing down by 2230.